Participate in Bay to Breakers for HMCRA

Do you want to have a lot of fun and raise awareness of how great Harvey Milk and our SFUSD schools are?
Join the We Heart Our SFUSD School — Bay to Breakers Campaign as a runner, table captain, cheerleader, or outfit creator to raise awareness about our local public schools and help boost enrollment at the iconic Bay to Breakers race on May 19. If you’re interested in joining, fill out this quick form. Want to know more? Watch this 5-minute video.

Background from parent organizers Jaime-Alexis and Adam (Grattan Elementary)
As parents of kids at SFUSD schools, we love the education and community — and so much more — that our kids are part of every day. Yet, seeing the range of amazingly positive experiences at SFUSD schools is hard for many in the Bay Area. We want to build a wave of positive support for SFUSD schools — to help potential parents or new parents and the wider community — see how much love there is for SFUSD schools. We hope to impact growing the school communities and drive awareness, commitment, and enrollment through a big show of love from the Bay to the Breakers with hundreds of parents and cheerleaders across the course on May 19, 2024. Doing so can have a big impact: we can fill a big portion of the SFUSD budget gap by enrolling more families. Just an additional 500 new students into SFUSD would lead to at least $8.5M in funding.

Ready to join in?!

Date: Sunday, May 19th at 8 am
Location: San Francisco

Ways to Participate:

Run! Join a centipede group with fellow parents and run as a team, connected by a common cause. Bay to Breakers is a fun race and an excellent opportunity to showcase our unity and commitment to supporting our school district.

Cheer! If running isn’t your cup of tea, you can still actively participate by leading a table along the route to distribute information about SFUSD, hand out water, or simply cheer on the participants. This is a fantastic way to engage with the broader community and spread awareness about the importance of supporting our schools.