Noon Monitors Needed

Hang with the kids during lunch and recess to keep school safe and fun! The district is hiring more noon monitors, but in the meantime you can help out the teachers, staff and kids by being around during this critical time mid-day. Feel free to guide an activity on the yard, anything from pogo stick jumping to sewing circle.

When you arrive at school for a noon monitor shift, check in at the office to get a name tag. You will be directed to either the cafeteria or the school yard depending on needs that day.

The students and staff appreciate your help!! As a token of thanks the PFC is providing $10 Starbucks gift cards to anyone that volunteers, be sure to get yours in the office when you fill in as noon monitor!

Sign up on SignUp Genius.

If you have question about being a noon monitor, please ask Mr. Machado or email him at

For questions about sign up, please contact Kathy Edwards at