Inclusive Schools Week

Inclusive Schools Week is an annual, nationwide, K-12 celebration of our year-round efforts to promote and build inclusive, welcoming school communities that embrace and support people of all natural and diverse abilities, sociological and cultural backgrounds.

Monday 12/4:
Rainbow Day: Wear As Many Colorful Clothes As You Can Day: The colors are all different, but together they make a beautiful rainbow ISW Student Art Project on Display. Classrooms to do art activity and paste snowflakes to the art display.

Tuesday 12/5:
Mismatched Sock Day- It is ok to be different

Wednesday 12/6:
Meet Someone New Day- Let’s get to know someone we don’t know well better. Sit with someone new at lunch.

Thursday 12/7:
Penguins United Day: Wear Your HMCRA Penguin Wear

Friday 12/8:
Pajama Day: Can’t think of a connection here:)