Volunteering & Room Parents

Being involved in education is the number one thing parents and caregivers can do to improve student performance.

Joyce Lin-Conrad with her child who is a student at HMCRA. Joyce also runs The Breakfast Project, a hands-on cooking & garden based food education program at Harvey Milk.


It sends a powerful message to our children that their education is important and we are there to support them. Whether you spend one hour a week or one day a week, your efforts will be greatly appreciated and noticed by your child and others.


**Do you have a special skill, strength, or talent that would be helpful to our school community? We welcome your contributions in any area, and not just at school events!  Let us know about your special skills or interests through this Google form.

Ways to Get Involved

  • Be a Room Parent: Contact your teacher.
  • Volunteer in the classroom: Contact your teacher & read Volunteer Guidelines
  • Join a PFC Committee: Contact president@harveymilkpfc.org
  • Volunteer at school events: Sign up sheets sent out as events approach.
  • Help fundraise: Contact donations@harveymilkpfc.org
  • Attend a PFC meeting or a SSC meeting
  • Volunteer at the Library: Help shelve books before/after school & assist with circulation during the school day. Contact Sarah Kern, kerns1@sfusd.edu
  • Volunteer for School Tours: We need HMCRA parents from all grades that can help out during our 10 school tours from October to January. New sign up information will come in beginning of fall 2023. If you like to tour our school or read more about the tours, read and sign up here.

What is a Room Parent?

A room parent is a bridge between the teacher and other parents. While the specifics of the position vary by classroom, a room parent provides communications between the teacher, other parents, the Parent Faculty Club and occasionally the school administration.  Room parents play a crucial role in effective school communications and building community.

Each classroom needs and benefits most from having 1-2 Room Parents. If you would like to be a Room Parent, please contact your classroom teacher or email roomparents@harveymilkpfc.org .

Read our: Room Parents Committee Flyer

Read more in this article: Room Parent 101